I love words. And quotes. And words in latin, or French, or.... well anything foreign sounding gives it an an exotic air. So when I was thinking of a blog name, I immediately thought, yep something smart, something the educators of years gone might have uttered....yep Latin it is!
I love the phrase Carpe Diem. So much more thought and so much more responsible than boring old YOLO, so I thought, yep seize knowledge. Get that knowledge girlfriend and work it!
Only I messed up. Got a bit too excited. The google gods said Seize Knowledge was Carpe Terram.
I registered the blog name.
I started designing my blog header.
I thought it was whiz bang.
Then something didn't look right.
Terra as in terra firma as in earth???
THE GOOGLE GODS GET IT WRONG (and I shouldn't go for the first link and run with it)
They do indeed.
But all is not lost. Actually, I think I like this blog title better!
After all, Oprah sums it up nicely, you got knowledge....yeah baby, you've got a passport to the world!